Earth Fayre
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Another event is being hosted to capitalise on last year’s Earth Fayre's success!
Admission is free. Come along to browse, discuss and learn.
There will be a range of stalls to browse among, each with a well-informed stall-minder who will be only too keen to discuss their particular angle on the environment.
There will also be a programme of speakers, each with something important to say on the environment and how we can all play our part in saving the planet.
Look out for the set of children’s activities, to entertain the children and to draw them into the challenges facing this fragile Earth.
All Saints café will be open for delicious coffee and cakes during the Earth Fayre.
Please see website HERE for more information.
Save the date: Saturday 28th September. See you there!
All Saints Church, Wiltshire Road, Wokingham, RG40 1TN.
The church’s main entrance is on Wiltshire Road opposite its junction with Rose Street. Map of precise location can be found HERE.