Copas Farm PYO Pumpkins
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For the first time this year Copas Farms in Iver and Cookham are opening their gates for pumpkin picking!
Pumpkins will be available for picking from the 16th – 17th and 23rd till 31st October. The Farm is open Thursday, Saturday and Sunday (10-4pm)
We plant the pumpkins and squash in Mid May , directly into a prepared seedbed. They are planted about 1.5 cm deep and 0.8 m apart . Germination takes about a week to 10 days, depending on the weather, and then they grow at quite a pace and start flowering in July , lots of male flowers show above the crop canopy , this attracts the bees in to pollinate the female flowers which tend to be at ground level . It is these female flowers that produce the pumpkins for you to “Pick Your Own” from the fields in October.
For more information click here