Christmas Extravaganza
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Woodley Christmas Extravaganza 2023!
Join us on Sunday 3rd December, 10:00 - 15:00, for a fantastic day full of festive fun!
- 10:00 Trade and craft stall open
- 11:00 Official opening from the centre stage
- 11:10 Steppin' Out Stars of tomorrow
- 11:30 BWCB Liquorice allsorts clarinet group
- 12:00 Bulgarian folk dance group
- 12:30 No strings attached ukelele band
- 13:15 Niall beatbox
- 13:30 Olga and her talented dogs
- 13:45 Charis Anne Vocalist
- 14:05 Comedy juggling show
- 14:30 Glee club - all-inclusive choir
And...more entertainment throughout the day! Please see our website for more information.